Author Archives: Laurence
Laurence on Tour

Health Hazard, Laurence’s most recent comedy show about his one-man mission to help Obama sell the benefits of free healthcare to the American people is about to tour the UK. In his own inimitable style that’s brought him 25 **** star and 7 ***** star reviews, Laurence sets off again with camera in hand to show us the ridiculousness of our … Continue reading
Behind the Camera
Over the years I’ve pretty much done all of the things in life which are meant to be stressful – getting married, having kids, moving home, demolishing and rebuilding part of my home… But trust me, in terms of stress; none of these can hold a candle to being filmed for an observational documentary for six months! This all started … Continue reading
Two sides to the Right to Die debate
This blog was published today on The Independent website: